Barrio Dogs had a wonderful opportunity to share a humane education presentation at KIPP Intrepid Tuesday, November 20--our first visit to the campus this semester. Team Jennifer Washam and Rescue Education Ambassador Dog (R*E*A*D*) Chloe presented the story "Buddy Unchained" to 2 groups of 50 fifth grade students. This story provided the youth a chance to learn about how Buddy felt "unsafe and unhappy" in his first environment where he was chained with little food and clean water, to being rescued, cared for and then adopted by his forever family that provided him with a safe and healthy environment.
They were then given a creative writing activity where participating students chose a picture card of a Barrio Dog rescue and asked to tell the story of the canine's background and the forever home they are looking for. The students were provided the Thanksgiving weekend to complete this activity, after which the assignment will be picked up and shared with our Barrio Dogs community. At the presentation's end, each student had the opportunity to meet Chloe and have their picture taken. And it was "pajama day" at the campus, so all the students were in a very "lighhearted" mood. It was a great experience for Jennifer, Chloe and the school, and we look forward to more opportunities in the future on their campus.
If you are interested in having our Education Team visit your school as part of the YAP program, please contact Jennifer@barriodogs.org.