Our Barrio Dogs team was out beating the heat Sunday, August
26 at the “Dog Days of Summer” Dogwash hosted by Firkin & Phoenix (1915
Westheimer Rd.) to raise money for Barrio Dogs and two local rescues. There was fun all around with hot dogs &
homemade dog treats, a raffle, dunking booth, bounce house, music and of course
lots of happy dogs!
Many thanks go out to Firkin & Phoenix, all of the dog
washing volunteers and the many others who made this event possible and successful! Also, thank you to the Houston Chronicle for
mentioning this event and some of our very own Barrio Dogs Adoptables (to see
the pictures featured in the Chronicle follow the link: http://www.chron.com/news/gallery/Wash-Dogs-48027/photo-3371966.php)

The good news doesn’t stop there though…
Darla not only came out to soak up some rays and play in the
water, but she found her forever family too!
Congratulations Darla!
To see more pictures of the event and Darla’s new family, visit us on facebook at Barrio Dogs, Inc.
To see more pictures of the event and Darla’s new family, visit us on facebook at Barrio Dogs, Inc.
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